Daily Announcements-5/19/20. Pledge by Mr. Bickel and Parker along with shout outs from our MS teachers and Mrs. Cameron. July birthdays are listed.

Daily announcements-5/18/20. Pledge by essential worker Deputy Rasmussen. Plus a couple teacher shout outs and June birthdays.

Please read the attached letter from Mr. Pajkos regarding the Lions Club Summer Enrichment Program for 2020.

The Senior Graduate Parade that was scheduled today is postponed until next Sunday, May 24-2pm due to the weather. The parade route will remain the same. We truly want to honor these graduates, so please plan accordingly to celebrate them as they drive through town NEXT SUNDAY.

IT’S HERE!! Your 2020 Community Awards Program is available for viewing now! In true Awards Night fashion... it is lengthy! Watch at your leisure, but make sure to watch it through! There are so many AMAZING people in our school & community! Thank you to all!

Daily Announcements-5/15/20. Pledge by Autumn and Kyler C.

Daily Announcements - 5/14/20. Pledge by Mrs. Cameron plus lots of important info and a great rainy day challenge from Mr. Bickel!

Sack meal pick up TOMORROW - Thurs. 5/14 will be at the high school entrance by the gym. Please use those doors to pick up your food. Please note: NEXT WEEK (5/18 & 5/21) the pick-ups will be at the Media Center entrance! Deliveries will continue unchanged.

Daily announcements-5/13/20. Pledge by Ally & Noah S. and an awesome challenge by Mr. Epperson. (PS. The Graduate’s parade is SUNDAY)

Attached is the Graduation parade route for Sun, 5/17/20-2pm. Please follow and respect all safe social distancing guidelines while honoring our graduating seniors!

Daily Announcements-5/12/20. Pledge by Ana-Elisa and Thaila Scheick and poetry by Mr. Bickel. Limmerick Day you say? ALSO - Drop Off/Pick Up will be 9am-noon & 3-5pm. Last names begin: 5/18 A-G; 5/19 H-P; 5/20 R-Z

5/10/20 ZOOM Senior Baccalaureate Service. It is quite lengthy, but it was a very nice service. Plus, you get the comedic photo op antics at the end! Thank you Pastor Dave and Roy Plote of LUMC.

Daily announcements-5/11/20. Pledge by Mia A plus a simple, but important challenge from Mr. Bickel.

Daily Announcements-5/8/20. Pledge by essential workers Correctional Officers Joshua and Amber Slaughter, and a quick help-at-home challenge from Mr. Miller!

End of Year Supply Pick Up and Drop off information is attached.

Class of 2020 Baccalaureate Service. Sunday 5/10/20 6:30pm- Anyone is invited to 'attend' this ZOOM video service! Please share.

Daily Announcements - 5/7/20. Pledge by essential worker veterinarian Dr. Paige Gunderson. Also a great follow-up 'how to' video from yesterday's laundry challenge. Thanks Mrs. Stegman and Brooks!

Daily Announcements-5/6/20. Pledge by Sheriff's Deputy Jim Podnar and team. There's info on Sr. Graduation parade and check out today's help at home challenge w/Mrs. Martin!

Leland CUSD 1 is doing everything we can to give the Class of 2020 a memorable celebration during this crazy time! Leland residents, please plan to be home to honor these kids!

Daily announcements-5/5/20. Pledge by essential workers from Leland Farmers Company and an at-home “challenge” from Mr. Spring!