Daily Announcements-4/13/20 w/Pledge by Mikayla P and Randy W. Also - check out the IT challenge from Mr. Bland! https://youtu.be/r6SZmdbdF5k
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily announcements by Wolverine-4/9. Pledge by Isabelle Wilkinson https://youtu.be/VDLLNqKQmWU
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Since today is National Zoo Day, here is an opportunity to check out the Cincinnati Zoo. They go live on their FB page daily at 2:00 CST. Thanks for sharing Mrs Dailey! http://cincinnatizoo.org/news-releases/cincinnati-zoo-is-bringing-the-zoo-to-you/
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements-4/8/2020 with Pledge by Isabella Ohme. Mr. Bickel talks about DEAR - remember that's Drop Everything And Read! Sheltering in Place and Remote learning should give you plenty of time to DEAR-and share your favorite books with us! https://youtu.be/CLtJVEqH6wg
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements-4/7/2020 with Pledge by Elijah “Lige” Shumway. https://youtu.be/lcDYqGpBERE
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily announcements-4/6/2020 with Pledge by Olivia and Edith S. https://youtu.be/XGjcrb7zfpk Link for Easter Egg PDF https://083950260099-filekit-attachments.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/FrkG6QwAcu39vjpZKG5RwxFo?response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%222020%20egg%20hunt.pdf%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%272020%2520egg%2520hunt.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIARHC6TJ6B2HHSJAQ4%2F20200406%2Fus-east-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200406T145353Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Security-Token=FwoGZXIvYXdzELD%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaDFlEznn0c0JDRuB%2F8SKlBGEVbEisFxQHM5pLpDPnLDQxM3xmPE%2BNtMEK1GVc9t7Vi6D%2F86EpU1k6I4ZwnbatqT3ZzzzOE45b46wsnlPs02Q1gZeyxa%2F04bv31g%2FlPQRbujnzVAlH4Uda9ZitlbwAjzTmh7cDgXA6o61CN5vJhctqhpM9NcLuqrCXdQwckwt%2FPHT0sZpwtt1jz3bh1Vt76S0c4HJL%2FIAWW0fk8tNPMfeQ%2Bq9b%2F2%2FsySOYsh8R3QdZQqlRLmQtnGI6YUurkN1gL2uHqh878M5a2k3ixxnbhWbuBCFTT6wsNMfg7YV7Zf36y%2BF3nfp0CO0uNjO6SYUKaDVua1OB4VzXZs7sn6HaoduA1Pxe7mZMZsOTCPn6aJSeZLiFnUg2CIfaNfE5sWQKBuqhO%2FGqe2X0MRwADHeUAKHag1zPu5kZTY0al%2BwVxJia1dXcaB4u6yJtH8AOvqBHJ%2B1gPwVKzFIQE9YaXbcV%2FvksHg7z3%2B5fk8AxoYKWIpun2%2BWvW33FLNPfLPfFypIK5S6r2jldrRow%2FOfiD7ftS68pii2OPniyPuS0w5H9LGqrZKkosAoBwZ9ZlkKqlOb9MwpvFS0Rpa1ECQbOmCHNhXztAZhoYXS9nbVcYAGQbxEYll6Pd%2Fhly%2Bx7i3VgQxtr4WP4ugtsPe7uO%2FMWBy20528oBBKghCvjsupU7%2BuQOdY5bZF%2FkK5hXGwIrahmqxILcMJRsIDc4FWFOfkgZgxalr36hOP2iijMhK30BTIqvazI%2FjpKr6kBkOGqDSGBfo3b3sMucsiqiAFAj6gEXyXQoG5cpaf%2BLsCR&X-Amz-Signature=0c314aa008634c3ec7ff8f89e333713ef33a942d9d5a2e2575f5b299505346f3
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Thanks to everyone that participated in our Spirit Days this week! Mr. Bickel put together a video to Parker's new favorite song! We will get through this together-separately! Be well, Stay home! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mWGdX2C4rQDTnDcRugUS_qerfMm8LsWC/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements - 4/3/2020 with Pledge by Delilah Zitt and sisters! It's School "Uniform" Day - GREEN, BLACK, WHITE - PANTHERS - go! https://youtu.be/09yaeIrwTqE
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements-4/2/2020 with Tucker Podnar leading the Pledge. Today is THURSDAY-Mr. Bickel may have been distracted at the end! It's Superhero Day in honor of our REAL LIFE heroes! It's also Light It Up Blue Day. https://youtu.be/FdIT6ipUkRQ
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements - 4/1/2020 with pledge by Ellie Gonzalez. Today's challenge is HISTORY - check out the trivia contest included in announcements. Send in or tag pics in your Suit and Tie spirit wear...April Fools! It's PJ & Bed Head Day! https://youtu.be/3OC3L5mOHpk
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Please read the attached letter from Mrs. Moore following today's announcement from Gov. Pritzker's extension of remote learning. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cEbBc2LpEY36R73C-Qn8l-VVuefUkBxHf0-XEnmrgso/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
3/31/2020 update
Hey Panther students: Having trouble staying organized with all your Remote Learning assignments? Here is a tip and quick tutorial from The Hawk showing something simple you can do that will help! Parents - it's definitely worth checking out, it could help organize your life, too! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I8HT6wW2wV4i-uxi-CcwJrrNhzIcfjyx/view?usp=sharing Thanks Mandy Hawk - great job! #excellencehasnofinishline #pantherpride #togetherseparately
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements -3/31/2020 with Pledge by Rachel, Nate, and Josie Dean. Mr. Bickel has a special shout out to Kameron H. and also explains the updated ISBE Remote Learning guidelines. Today is Jersey Day and PE Challenge Day! Check it out... https://youtu.be/Ofseltxys6o
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Please read the attached letter from Mrs. Moore with an update regarding Remote Learning Days (formerly known as E-Learning Days). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZyUNaoEthdvK0IZvxB9jxHBjhoVJ4MeF-BtDN0ihK0/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
03-30-2020 update letter
Daily announcements 3/30/2020. Please be sure to check it out, there’s new important information on our sack meal program, as well as a new challenge! Don’t forget to tag us or post your photos of Spring Break Dress Up Day in the comments! https://youtu.be/Nhpj8tVC5Cg
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements-3/27/2020 with Kindergartner Atley Benson doing the Pledge of Allegiance. There's a special guest appearance today, too. https://youtu.be/_hKLCBtapHU
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
A reminder from the Leland Police Department: In accordance with Governor Pritzker's ‘Shelter in Place’ executive order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Leland School playground, playground equipment, basketball court and ball fields are all closed until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Playground closed sign
Daily announcements - 3/26/2020 with Pledge of Allegiance by Tyler and Tanner Brown. https://youtu.be/unAlRwosLTc
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
E-learning dress up days
Leland families please be conscientious of the Shelter in Place Order, and above all protect your family and ours! We are anxious to get back in our building and the only way to make that happen is if we all follow the state and federal recommendations and guidelines for this pandemic.
over 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Playground closed!
Police reminder