Weekly Meal Sign Up - 9/21-9/26: Our meal program is a WEEKLY sign up this year. Make sure to get on the list each week you want meals! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedt7AWHOZ5QqRBhtUcK3zz95Ks35wKSaLh5Cujk60jyDCINg/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements & Weekly Bulletin -9/15/20 *correction - Mr. Bickel states the COVID-19 screener and e-learning attendance can be done via the mobile app. The COVID-19 screener must by done by a custodial parent on the mobile app only; e-learning check in for attendance must be done via the web browser and can be done by either a parent or student. Please call the office if you have any questions! WEEKLY BULLETIN - Wk of 9/14/20. This is continually updated throughout the week. Use this link to check for updates! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IcSU_X42sY9LHNi7bz2Kmfvb6H8NuWHRCCEfLMeYRSM/edit?usp=sharing Link to announcements: https://youtu.be/zU1NEWybpHw
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements - 9/14/20 https://youtu.be/G9YCoS8B0dE
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements - 9/11/2020. Mr. Spring leads us through a moment of silence in remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy, please take that moment to reflect and honor those that served and those that lost their lives. The "birthday boy" also leads us through the Pledge of Allegiance on this day where we should all be proud to be Americans! https://youtu.be/hZOmaqt6Us0
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Daily Announcements - 9/10/2020 https://youtu.be/oIKw39F3wbs
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Coming soon - Preschool Screening! Call Jean at L.E.A.S.E. (815) 433-6433 to make an appointment!
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Preschool Screening poster - Fall 2020
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
---SCHOOL PROVIDED MEALS---WEEKLY SIGN UP FORM Leland CUSD #1 has a new food service company and will have a few changes to our meal program during this time of Remote Learning. Please use this link for a form to sign up for Leland CUSD #1 provided breakfast and lunch meals. At this time meals will be free for any Leland Community member under the age of 18. Meals will be served 'grab and go' style (or brown-bag style). When you sign up, you will be receiving all breakfasts & lunches for that week (this is not a daily program). I will be sending out a new sign up form each Tuesday FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK. The sign-up needs to be filled out no later than 3:00 that Wednesday. MEALS WILL BE DELIVERED/PICK UP on MONDAY & THURSDAY next week!! School Meal Sign Up for week of Sept 14th.​ Be sure to read the email with the attached link each week for any special notices. The sign up form will be locked after 5:00pm Wednesday, 9/9/2020.
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
GOOD MORNING LELAND PANTHERS!! Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! Please know we are missing your faces just as much as you are missing ours...you are missing ours, right? Here is the first day of announcements from Mr. Bickel and the Pledge of Allegiance. Keep an open mind, be patient, and stay flexible and together we will get through this! https://youtu.be/sUnaQy7R5PI
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Good afternoon Panthers! It's your Friday afternoon check in from the office! We have been very busy here at school working to get things ready to begin the 2020-2021 school year! Obviously this year is unlike any other and the only constant is that THINGS WILL CHANGE!! Mrs. Moore and Mr. Bickel are constantly watching updates and altering plans to meet all guidelines and recommendations. Registration has been open for over a week now - thank you to everyone that has completed their online registration forms either at home, or stopped in at school to complete them onsite! We have approximately 20% of our students that still need to complete registration. Please take a few moments to sign on to your Teacher Ease account and fill that out. A common error has been marking NO to your student returning if you are choosing the 100% remote learning option. That means your student(s) will not be active in our district. PLEASE MARK YES to RETURNING even if you are doing 100% remote. There is a subsequent question inquiring to the remote learning option. Feedback from you often includes your frustration at the sheer quantity of emails from the school, trust me I get it! However, with so many variables and working gears, we feel it is best to reach out to our families on every platform we have to ensure you all receive the most up to date information. With that being said, it is VERY important to read emails in the upcoming days/weeks as there will be much information on our return to school on September 8th!! If you have any questions or are having any issues with Teacher Ease, please give us a call or stop in the office - Mallory & I are regular office hours now (M-F 8:00-4:00)! Hope you are healthy & safe - have a great weekend! #patherpride #excellencehasnofinishline #achieveexcellencetogether
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Check out the added job opening under NEWS!
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) sent the following information to share with district families. SHARE WITH ILLINOIS FAMILIES TO HELP THEM CLAIM STIMULUS CHECKS Help Illinois families claim their stimulus checks by sharing this message from Grace B. Hou, secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services: The passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act authorized the creation of stimulus checks for individuals and families under certain income thresholds. Most Illinoisans are eligible for these stimulus checks, though many did not receive them, leaving millions of dollars unclaimed. Get My Payment IL Coalition is available to answer any and all stimulus payment questions. It provides a step-by-step process to follow in order to receive a stimulus check. Individuals may qualify regardless if the individual has filed 2018 and 2019 tax returns, has a bank account, or receives Social Security, veterans, Supplemental Security Income, or Railroad Retirement benefits. Eligible individuals have until Oct. 15, to complete any necessary paperwork to process their stimulus payment. If the paperwork is not or cannot be submitted by that date, there is still a process for receiving stimulus checks after filing a 2020 tax return next year. SHARE WITH ILLINOIS FAMILIES TO HELP THEM APPLY FOR EMERGENCY MORTGAGE AND RENTAL ASSISTANCE Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) recently announced that applications for rental assistance are now available for renters who have lost a job or income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. IHDA will allocate $150 million via the Emergency Rental Assistance Program to help income-eligible residents across the state pay their rent during this national emergency. After the application period for rental assistance ends, IHDA will open applications for Emergency Mortgage Assistance, which will provide $150 million to homeowners impacted by COVID-19. Taken together, these programs are the largest emergency housing assistance programs in the nation and will help approximately 40,000 households before the end of 2020. Help share this information with Illinois families. Find additional details and the application for emergency rental assistance at  era.ihda.org. Find additional details and the application for emergency mortgage assistance at  ema.ihda.org.
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
IMPORTANT UPDATES: Good Morning Leland Panthers! I wanted to send out some updated information, some reminders, and a "new" district 20-21 calendar! Don't forget 2020-2021 online registration is now open! Please complete that this week. We do have terminals set up here at school if you need assistance with it! Mrs. Moore has made some updates to the Leland Back to School Plan Fall 2020 according to recent guideline changes made by the CDC and IDPH. The updates are noted in green. Take a moment to see what's new! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zJVLEq7NMpzTS2kes-4O5J0KcoadIGiQwLu1PaOSNWI/edit?usp=sharing Also I have attached an important guide for proper Mask Wear and Care that she has shared. Be sure to view that document! Finally - the 2020-2021 Amended District Calendar has been updated as of this morning. Please note - Mondays are color-coded as all district remote learning days. In addition to RLD, students that are at-risk, or needing additional assistance can schedule one-on-one instruction (including 100% remote learner students) during these days. Two additional Remote Learning Plan Days have been added, Tues. 11/24/20 and Tues. 1/5/21. Here is a link for the updated calendar. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZPf9MFU5iNlKW5iX2wKXnnVy03ZAW8lAstoAXa0ip3Q/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
2020-2021 ONLINE and On-site Registration are now open! We will be in the office until 4:00 today if you would like to use our terminals. PLEASE follow all posted guidelines - facemasks are required!
over 3 years ago, Andrea Niles
Fall 2020 Athletics Information Update On July 29th the IHSA Board of Directors announced a postponement of the fall HS athletic seasons that would impact our HS Girls Volleyball and HS soccer programs. Currently the Boys and Girls are still scheduled to start on Aug 10th. The IHSA had restructured the athletic season to have the HS Girls Volleyball and HS Soccer season begin on February 15. At this time, all winter HS sports will remain with a Nov. 16 start date. However, sports that were traditionally scheduled to take place in the 2021 spring season will be pushed back to a summer schedule. The start dates for Baseball, Softball, and Track and Field will be May 3rd. During this time of postponed athletic events it is important to keep in contact with your HS coaches who will be sending out information about schedules and open gyms. If you are planning on participating in any HS athletics this upcoming school year please email Mr. Zaleski at jzaleski@leland1.org. On August 3rd the Jr. 10 board of directors met to approve a postponement of all regularly scheduled Fall athletic events for JH sports. This impacts the JH Girls Volleyball team and the JH Soccer season. Those seasons have not been rescheduled at this time but their board of directors is working to create a JH 10 athletic schedule that is closely related to the IHSA’s proposal. The Board is meeting on September 11th to approve an adopted athletic calendar. Please reach out to Mr. Bickel or Mr. Zaleski if you have questions.
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Updated Reopeing Q & A Document - 7/25/2020 *previous responses are in BLACK/new responses are in GREEN. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKH-3FVVGqp4GySiIMQUNYhVmQlvrTtFL4v86vnF8PY/edit#heading=h.uwtpzkmp9874
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Updated Reopening Q & A Document - 7/22/2020 *previous responses are in black/new responses are in green. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKH-3FVVGqp4GySiIMQUNYhVmQlvrTtFL4v86vnF8PY/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
Reopening Q & A form Attached is the Questions "common document" Mrs. Moore referred to in her letter. Also attached is a Frequently Asked Questions Document. Take a moment and read through that. If you have additional questions/concerns, please utilize the form being provided by administration to communicate those. Leland CUSD 1 is working hard to construct a plan for reopening that is the safest/best possible for our staff and students. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKH-3FVVGqp4GySiIMQUNYhVmQlvrTtFL4v86vnF8PY/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfn2svPWQgreY4nywbDCeto9upApliNEU_ZN1hUI4oRwUIbVg/viewform?usp=sf_link
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
7/16/20 Update: Please read the attached letter from Mrs. Moore & Mr. Bickel explaining recent District updates. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11LuNeTvRwiaD8bPKNiLWgXOhjnfPxxSFEbpcsWF5upM/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles
7/16/20 update letter
Announcement from Mr. Bickel 7/8/20. Please take some time to watch this video with an update from Leland School. A parent survey will follow. https://youtu.be/WDxQPi4vEhg https://forms.gle/NtLf1bXeuijF9cdb6
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Niles